The presentations this week were so interesting and informative! I cant wait to see the rest 🙂
Stop Motion Animation (Keiro)
Stop motion(free for apple)
Simple to use. Question button and it will show you how to use everything.
Go into photoshop.Window tab, click timeline. Click on “twinning” button.
Digital Literacy (Brie, Katrina, Taylor)
Youtube: Crash Course Navigating Digital Media series
- Fact checking
- Lateral reading (finding out who this person is – are they funded by a corporation?)
- Evaluating Evidence
Youtube: Crash Course Media Literacy Series – amazing for middle school kids
History, Influence & Persuasion, advertising, media ownership
Canadian-specific content
Resources for teachers and parents (including lesson lans)
Strategies, Tips, and Best Practices
- more creation than consumption – get kids to create more than consume stuff on the internet
- student choice and voice
- include multi modalities – to try to get kids to focus as many things as possible
- Center collaboration – get kids in groups to try out things with their peers and learn from each other.
- Ensure accessibility for all learners – ensure programs can work on apple and Microsoft
- Crowd-accelerated learning – bringing 100,0000 ppl together to accelerate learning (ie citizen science). How can you get your students involved in creating things in the adult world, outside of school. ie getting kids to count how many squirrels they see in the day in their neighbourhood.
- Social media and peer-to-peer social learning – social media can be an important place for their learning
Talking to Parents
Digital Literacy is part of the BC Curriculum to develop 21st Century citizens
Organize a Digital Family Night – to show what you’ve been doing in the class and to allow parents and students what they’ve been doing at home. And giving parents a platform to express their worries and concerns.
Podcast – Radio Lab (Brie)
- The right to be forgotten
- Post no evil
- the trust engineers
okay so (app)- kids can ask questions privately about sex
Canadian sex educator Meg Hickling
Google maps (Me, Connor, Anne, Kelly)
My Presentation – See last blog post
What Google Maps knows about you (Scary or Awesome)? – You decide
How to implement technology in the classroom