We had a teacher from Calgary videoconference with us this morning and she told us about her experience with distributed learning in public schools. Unfortunately, her internet connection was pretty poor, so I only got snippets of her presentation.

Distributed learning is a general term used to describe a multi-media method of instructional delivery that includes a mix of Web-based instruction, streaming video conferencing, face-to-face classroom time, distance learning through television or video, or other combinations of electronic and traditional educational models.

This teacher had her students go through a Google search course she designed because she discovered that high school students don’t know how to search for things themselves.

She got her class to think about who their online audience is and:

– digital stories

– how do I tell stories from data?


She also asked them:

What do you already know about the topic at hand?

What do you want to know more about?


How to get kids interested in all the subjects?

You focus on the subject, not the topic. For example, for the kid interested in trains, ask yourself; What is the thing they’re super into? And then linking that to all the subjects.

Drawing trains (art), books that were written with trains in them (literacy), the history of trains (social studies), mathematical calculations of train tracks (math).


Distributed Learning

I am hopeful about distributed learning – with better and better technology every year I do think distributed learning can create an authentic learning experience.


OpenEd Resources Presentations

Independent, non profit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a digital world that is rapidly changing. Copyright is often waived.

There are lots of barriers for folks living elsewhere (different school have different resources due to $$ differences) so OpenEd creates equal access for all learners.

Creative Commons

Open Education Consortium

Open Educational Resources Commons (OER)





Common sense education

Teachers can use this aspect to locate webinars for professional development.

– finding balance in our digital lives

– digital footprint and well-being


3D Modeling Presentation

Software and Hardware

3D Modeling

Tinkercad https://tinkercad.com

Pre-designed Model Sites:




3d printer



3d print software

You can also recycle filaments by reheating it and putting it back into a filament coil.

Great presentation, I learned so much. I thought only engineers/architects/mechanical engineers used 3D printing!